성스러운 호소
게시물 201건
6. "내 마음은 고통으로 찢어질 것 같다."
  DIVINE APPEAL 6. "My Heart is broken in pain" 성스러운 호소 6. "내 마음은 고통으로 찢어질 것 같다." "My daughter, cry out to My consecrated children who have betrayed Me and abused My Sacraments. My heart is broken in pain.""나의 딸아, 나를 믿지 않고 있는 세상의 모든 나의 아들 딸들에게 크게 외쳐라. 내 마음은 고통으로 찢어질 것 같다. 라고." "Do not worry about where to pray. Pray as you do your daily duties for it does not matter: I listen to you. Only give Me your mind.""어디에서 기도할 것인가 걱
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5. "타락된 것은 멸망할 것이다..."
  DIVINE APPEAL 5. "What is corrupt will fall and will never again rise up"   성스러운 호소 5. "타락된 것은 멸망할 것이다..."  "My daughter, pray a great deal. I listen to you. Humanity does not know how to return to God by means of rectifying its ways. Pray for its ways. Pray for the Church. The time for great trials will come. (Cardinals) will oppose (cardinals). (bishops) against (bishops). Satan will walk amid their ranks like avid wolves. There will be changes. What is corrupt will fall and will never again rise up!"  "나의 딸아, 아주
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4. "악마는 매번 거룩한 성찬 미사를 파괴하려고 계속 노력하고 있다."
  DIVINE APPEAL 4. "The devil is making every effort to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass" 성스러운 호소 4. "악마는 매번 거룩한 성찬 미사를 파괴하려고 계속 노력하고 있다." "My daughter, I want you to listen to Me. Pray a great deal for humanity; the world is growing from bad to worse. The devil is making every effort to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Divine Justice is prepared to act with My eyes fixed on Heaven.""나의 딸아, 내 말을 듣기 바란다. 인류를 위해 아주 많이 기도해라. 이 세상이 더욱 더 나빠지고
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3. "극악무도한 행위를 하는 자는 징계와 천벌을 받게 된다..." ■ (3번 글은 영문본이 없음) ■
    DIVINE APPEAL 3. "Humanity with its diabolical behavior brings down upon itself punishment and scourges......"   성스러운 호소 3. "극악무도한 행위를 하는 자는 징계와 천벌을 받게 된다..."    "나의 딸아, 많은 사람들이 나의 이름을 부정하며 악마를 믿는구나. 극악무도한 행위를 하는 자는 징계와 천벌을 받게 된다. 만약 그들이 회개하고 참회한다면, 나의 자비는 무한하다. 그러나 그들은 사탄의 편에 서서 걸어가기를 선택했다."   "나의
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2. "첫번째 재난이 곧 다가온다."
  DIVINE APPEAL 2. "The first blow is drawing near." 성스러운 호소 2. "첫번째 재난이 곧 다가온다." With a painful voice as usual: My daughter I want everyone to know that the first blow is drawing near. A unforeseen fire will descend over the whole earth. A great part of humanity will be destroyed. There will come a fearful moment, when I will speak with My Judge's voice. My Eternal Father is offended so much! If I were to tell you the number of sins which are committed each day, you would die of pain. The forces of evil are prepared to lash out against the whole w
07-21 hit(1661) 07-21
1. "나는 십자가에 못박힌 예수다..."
  DIVINE APPEAL 1. "I am Jesus Crucified...... Humanity like Judas betrays Me and drags souls down to perdition to chase blindly after sinful loves: money; Satan has darkened the spirits which had already been turned against themselves." 성스러운 호소 1. "나는 십자가에 못박힌 예수다..."This time I was not asleep and I was not praying. I just had my eyes closed in the dark. I heard a pitiful voice near my ear saying: "Be attentive to what I am telling you." I opened my eyes and from outside I saw a ray of light; through it. I saw the Lord kneeling on the right side
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찬양 : 성만찬 말씀 천지창조와 어린양 새예루살렘성과 그리스도의 편지 개신교 찬송 김풍운 목사 찬양 카톨릭 미사 떼제 미사

- Missio Agni Dei - "Adore My Divine Sacrament and offer it to My Eternal Father, so that it may serve the salvation of souls." (Divine Appeal 34)
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