성스러운 호소
게시물 201건
21. "스스로 극복할 힘이 없는 너무 많은 덤불 속에서..."
DIVINE APPEAL 21. "Look the good people live a lethargic life among so many bushes which they have not the strength to overcome. With a exaggerated freedom and without any scruples the devil instigates them. They do not believe anything exists; my daughter how much bitterness!"  성스러운 호소 21. "스스로 극복할 힘이 없는 너무 많은 덤불 속에서..." "My daughter, pray and atone. My Eternal Father is profaned also in sacred places. He has been forgotten by many souls. Look, the good people live a lethargic life among so many bushes which they have not the s
07-21 hit(1530) 07-21
20. "나는 모든 인류를 구원하고자 하며, 어느 누구도 자기 자신의 잘못으로 인해..."
DIVINE APPEAL 20. "I would like to save all mankind and I would not want anyone to be condemned through this own fault. How many at such a early age are approaching damnation, no longer wanting to be concerned with their Creator…… The Church, My sacrament and God must be respected." 성스러운 호소 20. "나는 모든 인류를 구원하고자 하며, 어느 누구도 자기 자신의 잘못으로 인해..." "My daughter, pray a great deal for humanity. God, My Eternal Father, is merciful but humanity has lost its senses: drugged and Godless." "나의 딸아, 인류를 위해
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19. "프리메이슨파는 교회에 덤벼들고 있다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 19. "Freemasonry hurls itself against the Church….. The times demand accelerated action. My pain is immense! Humanity has not become aware of the scourge that threatens it. Satan wants victory, treachery against…… Great offences will befall I have many graces in My Hands ready to offer all who will return to me."  성스러운 호소 19. "프리메이슨파는 교회에 덤벼들고 있다..." "My daughter, listen attentively to what I tell you. The times demand accelerated action. My pain is immense! Humanity has not become aware of the scourge that threate
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18. "나는 인류를 사랑하고 그들이 회개하기를 바란다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 18. "Italy the nation favoured by God…… have the communist seal. I love humanity and I want it to repent. Otherwise it will cast down innumerable souls into the eternal fire together with satan who suggests to them that God does not exist. My Eternal Father has been attacked in all His powers.  성스러운 호소 18. "나는 인류를 사랑하고 그들이 회개하기를 바란다..." "My daughter, listen to what I must tell you. I want you to accompany Me. You must make restitution and be with Me. I want humanity to know the seriousness of the state of the worl
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17. "사람들은 사탄과 동맹을 맺었다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 17. "Souls are allied with satan because of the great sins of all kinds. A great punishment will befall mankind. If ministers do not listen to My anguished call, they will lead humanity to great suffering. According to My desire, everyone must come to pray for the mitigation of the evil in mankind."   성스러운 호소 17. "사람들은 사탄과 동맹을 맺었다..." "My daughter, listen well to what I will tell you. You must surrender yourself to My Will. You must follow Me along the Way of the Cross, so that you can make restitution for the sins of mank
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16. "나는 전 인류를 구원하고자 하며..."
DIVINE APPEAL 16. "I would like to save all humanity and I would not want anyone to be condemned through his own fault. For no one goes to hell without his own consent. How many at such a early age are approaching damnation, no longer wanting to be concerned with the fear of the Lord.  성스러운 호소 16. "나는 전 인류를 구원하고자 하며..." "My daughter, listen well to what I will tel lyou. Do not lose your precious time. You must mediate and pray for humanity. God, My Eternal Father, sends inexorable punishments. I can no longer detain the arm of My Father's J
07-21 hit(1444) 07-21
15. "나의 성스러운 몸인 성체안에서 내가 매도되고 또 모욕을 당했다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 15. "In my Divine Body, the Eucharist, I am abused and blasphemed. I need your consolation, sacrifice, and atonement. Treasure my Blood, together with your sufferings. Offer them to My Eternal Father in order to implore His Mercy for mankind."  성스러운 호소 15. "나의 성스러운 몸인 성체안에서 내가 매도되고 또 모욕을 당했다..." My daughter, listen to what I tell you. Pray a great deal. Do not be frightened, neither presume to know the dates, nor look to know how much it will take. Humanity has divorced itself completely from Me. In n
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14. 첫번째 재난이 가까이 왔다...
DIVINE APPEAL 14. "The first blow is near...... those who will repent will find protection and God's mercy in My power, while all who refuse to repent will perish from their sins. Sinful humanity has transformed the earth into a scene of crimes."   성스러운 호소 14. 첫번째 재난이 가까이 왔다..... "My daughter, pray. The flock is about to be dispersed. Many signs never before seen, will occur in the world as a warning to humanity. There will come a fearful moment when I will speak with My Judge's voice and pronounce the verdict over an anxious and drugged hu
07-21 hit(1399) 07-21
13. "나는 계속 가시 면류관을 받으면서..."
DIVINE APPEAL 13. "I am continuously receiving crowns of thorns...... passing through the milling crowds with bowed head......"  성스러운 호소 13. "나는 계속 가시 면류관을 받으면서..." "My daughter, pray. Do not tire. Do what I am asking you, without wanting to know how and when. I will take care of everything. I will guide you. It is I who am making use of you. Do not be afraid. God's anger is overflowing. The devil has imprisoned the soul of......" "나의 딸아, 기도해라. 피곤해 하지 말고 너에게 요구하는 바를 행하라. 그것의 방
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12. "거의 모든 사람들이 성스러운 성체 안에 있는 나를 매도하고 있다."
DIVINE APPEAL 12. "Almost all humanity abuse Me in My Divine Sacrament."  성스러운 호소 12. "거의 모든 사람들이 성스러운 성체 안에 있는 나를 매도하고 있다."  "My daughter, put yourself always in My Presence. I am pleased to accept any sacrifice that you offer for humanity. The work you have to do is very important. My word is a command. It serves to save humanity. Men have lost God's life. They are dominated by the spirit of Satan. God's justice weights over a slime-splattered humanity. The Godless will be destroyed." "나의 딸아, 네 자
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11. "죄많은 사람들이 참회하지도 않는다."
DIVINE APPEAL 11. "Sinning humanity does not repent. I am calling all priests...... to form cenacles for prayer of Atonement"  성스러운 호소 11. "죄많은 사람들이 참회하지도 않는다."  "My daughter, humanity does not want to believe, but the Eternal Father is sending many punishments, many epidemics so that mankind might pray and be reconciled with Me. They do nothing to improve, and the sinning humanity does not repent. God's anger is cast down on this world! Pray a great deal. The devil is destroying all of humanity and the calamity of evil envelopes all hu
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10. "사탄은... 미친듯이 날뛰며 사람들을 공략하면서 행진하고 있다..."
 DIVINE APPEAL 10. "Satan continues his march...... maddening and capturing souls. My churches are reduced to languid meeting places even though they are called fraternal encounters of prayer."  성스러운 호소 10. "사탄은... 미친듯이 날뛰며 사람들을 공략하면서 행진하고 있다..." "My daughter, I am bent over all humanity. Almost all of humanity abuse My Divine Body - the Sacrament. Satan continues his march in them. If humanity comes to God asking for forgiveness (all of those children who will come back to me), I will save them. Satan stalks(2)the wo
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9. "믿음이 없는 나라는, 인류를 벌하기 위해 천벌이 내려질 것이다."
DIVINE APPEAL 9. "Godless nations will be the scourge to punish humanity."  성스러운 호소 9. "믿음이 없는 나라는, 인류를 벌하기 위해 천벌이 내려질 것이다."  "My daughter, listen well to what I tell you. Do not worry I have chosen you to be as an instrument. Don't you realize it? Don't you want to listen to Me? Write what I tell you and pass it on. Godless nations will be the scourge to punish humanity. Mankind should be converted through prayer and my Divine Sacraments, Holy Masses of atonement, confessions and rosaries. There are many offenc
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8. "나는 개개인에게 생명의 기회를 주기 위해 왔다."
DIVINE APPEAL 8. "I have come personally for change of lives."  성스러운 호소 8. "나는 개개인에게 생명의 기회를 주기 위해 왔다." This time I was asleep. I felt distracted by a touch of a hand. Then immediately I woke up; from outside a very red and sharp ray of light was pointing into my eyes. The light was too strong and it blinded me. At once, I heard a voice: 이번에 나는 자고 있었다. 나는 손에 무언가 닿는 듯한 느낌을 받았다. 그 즉시 일어났다. 밖에서부터 아주 강한 빨갛고 날카로운 빛이 내 눈을
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7. "만일 사람들이 기도하고 회개한다면..."
DIVINE APPEAL 7. "If people repent and pray, the wrath of My Eternal Father will be appeased."  성스러운 호소 7. "만일 사람들이 기도하고 회개한다면..."  "My daughter, pray and do not be tired. Make small hosts and atone for the crimes which are committed every day before My Divine Sacrament. If people repent and pray, the wrath of My Eternal Father will be appeased." "나의 딸아, 지치지 말고 기도해라. 나의 성스러운 성체 앞에서 매일 저질러지고 있는 죄를 위해. 작은 성체를 준비해서 회개해라. 만일 사
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찬양 : 성만찬 말씀 천지창조와 어린양 새예루살렘성과 그리스도의 편지 개신교 찬송 김풍운 목사 찬양 카톨릭 미사 떼제 미사

- Missio Agni Dei - "Adore My Divine Sacrament and offer it to My Eternal Father, so that it may serve the salvation of souls." (Divine Appeal 34)
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