성스러운 호소
게시물 201건
51. "내게 침을 뱉은 자들은 누구나 베일을 통해서 내가 보고있다"
DIVINE APPEAL 52. "Through my Sacramental veils I am gazing on anyone who has pity on Me"  성스러운 호소 51. "내게 침을 뱉은 자들은 누구나 베일을 통해서 내가 보고있다""My daughter, watch and pray. Keep Me in the light. This is My difficult hour. Abused and ridiculed, I am quiet in My tabernacle, whipped and turned upside down. I am inexorably wounded by My own….. Through My Sacramental veils, I am gazing on anyone who has pity on Me." "나의 딸아, 깨어 기도해라. 나를 빛 가운데서 지켜라. 지금이 나에겐 어려운 시간이다.
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50. 프리메이슨파들은 나를 철저하게 매도하고 있다 ...
DIVINE APPEAL 51. "The freemasons have abused me totally. This is the dark hour when they are trying to abolish My Presence. They abuse My very Gospel."  성스러운 호소 50. 프리메이슨파들은 나를 철저하게 매도하고 있다 ..."My daughter, be patient and listen to Me. You know what I request of you; prayers, penance. Keep awake and keep expositions of My Divine Sacrament. These are difficult hours for Me, as dark as they are, satan works with….. in order to corrupt them, instilling in them that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass should be abolished. The devil is very as
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49. 내 사랑의 성체안에서 나는 너무 심하게 매도되고 있다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 50. "In the Sacrament of My Love I am abused very much. These are difficult times when My own….. are assisting the Red Lucifer, labouring hard to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."  성스러운 호소 49. 내 사랑의 성체안에서 나는 너무 심하게 매도되고 있다..." "My daughter, pray and do penance. Listen to Me. These are great warnings of immense Divine Mercy obtained from the anguish to My Heart because I want all to be saved and no one to be condemned through his own fault; as nobody goes to hell without his consent. The demon is disposed
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48. "물질주의가 고삐 풀린 듯이 날뛰고, 사방에서 타락되고 있다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 49. "Materialism advances on all sides with unbridled corruption and has pushed mankind towards a frightful abyss of devastation."  성스러운 호소 48. "물질주의가 고삐 풀린 듯이 날뛰고, 사방에서 타락되고 있다..." "My daughter, pray a great deal. I am very hurt because people and My own….. follow the ways of perdition. Materialism advances on all sides with unbridled corruption and has pushed mankind towards a frightful abyss of devastation. Immerse in a chain of scandals, the world is a swampland of muck and mire. It will be at the mercy of th
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47. "보라, 나는 나 자신 전부를 너희들을 위해 아버지께 바쳤다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 48. "Behold, I offered My whole Self to the Father for you. What more could I have suffered for Mankind? Each day, I am more forgotten and despised by My own."  성스러운 호소 47. "보라, 나는 나 자신 전부를 너희들을 위해 아버지께 바쳤다...""My daughter, pray a great deal. Keep awake with Me, My love. I never sleep. I am never tired of My vigil for mankind. Pray, do penance and consider the present plight of the world. I desire that you keep in mind the compunction. Avoid many conversations, but rather pour forth your devout prayers to appease the
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46. 지금은 악마가 거룩한 미사의 성사를 파괴하려고 계속 온갖 시도를..."
DIVINE APPEAL 47. "These times are my difficult hours when the devil is making every effort to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."  성스러운 호소 46. 지금은 악마가 거룩한 미사의 성사를 파괴하려고 계속 온갖 시도를...""My daughter, pray without ceasing. Keep awake and watch with Me in these dark hours when Satan is directing and seducing many minds, making them capable of destroying humanity. It is a grave hour. Keep Me company in My vigil for sinners; hold Me tightly in your heart and never waste any of these precious times. Do not be afraid. Always b
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45. "세계는 쇠사슬처럼 비방으로 얽혀 있다. 그것은 불길에 싸여있는 늪과 같다."
DIVINE APPEAL 46. "The world is in a chain of scandal, it is a swampland of fire"  성스러운 호소 45. "세계는 쇠사슬처럼 비방으로 얽혀 있다. 그것은 불길에 싸여있는 늪과 같다.""My daughter, listen to what I tell you. It is by message that it pleases My Eternal Father to save the world in the grave moments. Behold, I have come to seek and to save my lost sheep through My message. The world is a chain of scandal,; it is a swampland of fire. It will be at the mercy of the most severe trials of Divine Justice. Since a long time ago, I have warned mankind in
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44. 이교사상이 판을 치고 있다. 악마는 매번 거룩한 미사의 성사를 철저하게 파괴..."
DIVINE APPEAL 45. "Paganism is triumphing. The devil is making every effort to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."  성스러운 호소 44. 이교사상이 판을 치고 있다. 악마는 매번 거룩한 미사의 성사를 철저하게 파괴...""My daughter, pray a great deal and keep watch with Me. Do not be afraid. I want to erect a alter in your heart. Do not be tired of praying. Do what I ask you without wanting to know how and why. I will take care of everything. I want you to listen to what I tell you. I beg you never to be weary to keeping awake with Me. Paganism is triump
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43. "나의 발현이 거부되며 매도되고 있는가?" ########
DIVINE APPEAL 44. "My presence is being refused and abused"  성스러운 호소 43. "나의 발현이 거부되며 매도되고 있는가?" "My daughter, stay and spend this time with Me. Give me your company and implore mercy and pray to appease the anger of My Eternal Father. In the Sacrament of My Love, My own consecrated ones have abused Me and they spit on Me. I only receive pain. I beg you to keep Me in your heart. In these dark hours, I am so lonely, full of love and mercy waiting to embrace all who come to Me. I am forgotten by My own….. The evil one is using them to destroy t
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42. "검은 미사를 하는 자가 나를 공격하고 있다...사탄의 머리가 부서질 것이다." ######### (1987.10.24)
 성스러운 호소 초판 한글역에서 42번으로 기록된 글은 영문 3판에서 42번과 43번으로 분리되어 소개됩니다. 그래서 42번 부터는 초판 한글역과 영문 3판의 글번호가 하나씩 차이가 납니다.    DIVINE APPEAL 42. "Those who do Black Mass attack Me…… satan’s head will be crushed." "My daughter, My Heart is very painful for all that is happening in….. The Red Lucifer will stand together with….. My Heart has always been bitter about it. Pray for….. He is surrounded by freemasons who want his death. P
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41. "오늘날 참회와 기도는 그 때보다 더 많이 해야 한다."
DIVINE APPEAL 41. "Today’s penance and prayer must be more than that"  성스러운 호소 41. "오늘날 참회와 기도는 그 때보다 더 많이 해야 한다.""My daughter, listen to Me and write down all. It is for the good of souls. The present world is worse then Nineveh when, through Jonah, I threatened mankind with the punishment they deserved. By this, I mean that today’s penance and prayer must be more then that. Woe to those who do not sincerely detest their faults! They must know that the light shines in the darkness. I speak with tears in My Heart. My daughter, offer
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40. "오늘날 사회에는 너무나 많은 증오심이 있다. 너무 많은 원수들이 있다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 40. "There is too much hatred in today’s society. There are too many enemies…… What a great desolation. Children who rebel against their parents, innocent souls who are killed, divorce, communists and all sinners!"  성스러운 호소 40. "오늘날 사회에는 너무나 많은 증오심이 있다. 너무 많은 원수들이 있다..." "My daughter, I am the Lord of Revelation. Listen to Me. Unite yourself to My suffering Heart. Pray for the atonement and detain the anger of My Eternal father. The world advances towards the precipice from one day to the next. R
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39. "무섭게 불길이 타오르는 천벌이 준비되어 있다..."
DIVINE APPEAL 39. "A terrible flaming scourge is prepared. What is evil will perish. It will be a purification."   성스러운 호소 39. "무섭게 불길이 타오르는 천벌이 준비되어 있다..."   "My daughter, keep awake and watch with Me. I need your company. Stay with Me in ‘My Sacrament of Love.’ Give Me rest in your heart. I remain so lonely at nights in many tabernacles all over the world. My soul is sorrowful because so many ridicule Me for no reason. The sins of mankind continuously pain Me bitterly. My Own…… have forgotten Me. They step on
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38. 찬미 예수께 드리는 기도 #######
PRAYER TO THE ADORABLE JESUS 찬미 예수께 드리는 기도 Oh Jesus, most humble, adorable, present in the Blessed Sacrament of your Divine Love. Here on your concealed Sacred throne, I prost(r)ate my soul and whole self before you.  오, 축복된 성체안에서 가장 겸손하고 존경스럽게 계신 예수여, 여기 당신의 숨겨진 신성한 옥좌 위에서 내 영혼이 엎드려 당신 앞에 전부 바칩니다.  Out of my nothingness and sins, I implore you to accept my poor prayers, acts of reparation and adoration to quench your thirst for souls
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37. "회개하는 자는 구원받겠지만, 회개하기를 거부하는 다른 자들은..."
DIVINE APPEAL 37. "Those who repent will be saved but for others who refuse to repent the earth will open up beneath their feet and they will be swallowed up."   성스러운 호소 37. "회개하는 자는 구원받겠지만, 회개하기를 거부하는 다른 자들은..."  "My daughter, God, My Eternal Father, is pleased by your offerings because you recognize your misery and you are always ready to accept your sins. Your must sanctify yourself and offer yourself for the conversion of souls even with tears. In each face, see the countenance of myself crucified. You must
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찬양 : 성만찬 말씀 천지창조와 어린양 새예루살렘성과 그리스도의 편지 개신교 찬송 김풍운 목사 찬양 카톨릭 미사 떼제 미사

- Missio Agni Dei - "Adore My Divine Sacrament and offer it to My Eternal Father, so that it may serve the salvation of souls." (Divine Appeal 34)
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